Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Olive Tree

At some stage there must have stood a massive olive tree on our block.  When we first saw the signs of it, we thought it was a weed.

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<—The first signs
IMG_9122 As it got bigger and bigger we eventually realised that it was offshoots from an olive tree stump.

I rang the contractors and asked them to please make sure they dug it out for me.

When we went this morning there was a pile of stumps.


That was just the beginning. By the end of the day there where stumps everywhere; it seems this olive tree must have been huge. You can see there are still roots in the sides of the battening they have done.  This is a good 5mtrs away from the trunk. !


Today I received a letter in the mail from the Onkaparinga council, informing me of my responsibility to keep down the ‘weeds’ on our vacant block and to do so within 14 days or we would receive a fine!  Well they are all gone now :)

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