Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Bricks, Bricks and more Bricks

Just lots of photos of the latest brick work, because I just love how it looks, and it is all that is going on at the moment.  Oh the skip has a flowerpot, some old roof tiles and a suitcase in it!

The front of the house – You have to squint your eyes and imagine the guttering is black – no idea why they put it up and _then_ paint it.

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Left hand side of the house, looking toward the front of the house, then looking toward the back of the house

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Across the back of the house – It has been so long since we have seen it, and it hasn’t been covered in brick pallets that I almost forgot what it looks like.

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They make a bit of a mess on the inside


Right near the front door we have this anomaly in the bricks, it is raised.  I think it looks like a head, my husband thinks it looks like something a little more phallic, hopefully it will come off when the brickies do there clean!. IMG_0362 IMG_0363

I hope they have enough bricks to finish!


Tuesday, November 24, 2009

November – Roof and Bricks start

14thNov The weather has not been kind to our tradesmen, they have been working from 5am to 10am, and on the weekends.  The week after these temperatures it got to 42 degrees two days in a row.

November 5th – Roof tiles arrive

November 9th – They are working fast despite the heat

November 13th – The bricks have been magically re-arranged

November 14th – It is so hot, nothing is happening.  We are sleeping in the lounge, as this photo by my 3 year old shows. No idea what ungodly hour of the morning he took this photo as we are all asleep, except the baby that is.


November 17th – Brick work starts!

I am not happy with the brown ends that are showing.  Have spoken to the SS about getting them replaced.  My Mum thinks they give the house ‘character’ I didn’t pay $6500 extra for brown bricks. We want, grey, grey and more grey!

November 20th – More bricks, and a power box.

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November 23rd – Am suffering a severe bout of gastro. Hubby took some progress pictures for me. I would have sent him back for more today, but he has gastro to :(  Hopefully tomorrow I will be alright to drive.

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We are having black guttering and down pipes, so hopefully that will break the grey up enough.

We deliberately choose grey roof tiles to reflect heat and to lower heat absorption.